Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rugby Player

This is my oldest son, Michael. Handsome dude---and funny too!~ This kid can always get a laugh out of me. He is currently serving in the US Army~so proud of him!
He has started his rugby rough sport. This will be his second year in the sport. I didn't know if he'd stick with it, but he's made some friends and it seems he really likes it. He called me on his way to his first game just to say hi. (Moms love that.) He was pulling into the parking lot and I heard him say "Oh my gosh!! These guys are huge!" I told him not to get out of the car. No one would know that he was there. He laughed~nervously~and said it was time for him to go. He had to see how strong his bones were. Not funny, bud. I didn't hear back from him that day so I knew nothing major was broke or bleeding. But if anything was broke he knows a really nice orthopedic surgeon that can treat him. More on that later-need to get permission before I fill you in on that.

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