Monday, March 8, 2010


My husband and I got up early yesterday with the intention of taking a ride by the lake to see if we could spot any eagle movement. It was so nice out that we decided a snowshoe trek would be fun. We drove further north, parked the truck, got the shoes on and headed into the woods. It was beautiful out there. Just the two of us....out in the woods....snowshoeing. This is my view...I have a good one. I always snowshoe behind my husband. He walks faster and he likes blazing the trail. He likes to go ahead and check out where we may find a high point to look out and have a good view.
Our tracks. (Don't pay attention to the date on the picture. I didn't reset it when new batteries were installed.) We came back to these tracks about 30 minutes later and the sun had melted them quite a bit. When we started it was about 30 degrees, when we finished about two hours later it was well over 40.
Here is Mr. at a high point. We were trying to get up high enough to get some pictures of the lake. It wasn't really high enough to get some good pictures, so off we went again.
Finished up the walk and headed back home.
On our way home we ran across these guys hanging out on the road. They didn't want to move at first but then got out of the way.
It sure was a beautiful day with the sun shining and warming everything up. Now, we just have to wait for the snow to go and camping is just around the corner.

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